Common Ground is a Christ Centered Community Living Out: Profound Inclusivity, Authentic Questions, and Compassionate Justice.
Here’s What’s New
Pastor’s Perspective : March 2023
“Dust you are and to dust you shall return.” These are familiar words. We’re used to hearing them with the accompanying physical mark of ashes in the shape of a cross on our foreheads. This year at Common Ground we didn’t enact the ritual of this symbol, but we were...
Pastor’s Perspective : February 2023
With February upon us and preparing for Lent at Common Ground, I’ve been reflecting on the rhythms of the church. Following the crescendo of Advent the big climax is, of course, Christmas. We then find ourselves in the awareness of the season of Epiphany, followed...
Pastor’s Perspective : January 2023
In June of 2022 I ran Grandma’s marathon. I had been a runner for a while, but I had previously never put in the training needed to make the distance for a marathon, not even close. In October of 2021 I decided that running a marathon would be fun, fun in the way that...
From Bingo to Book Studies
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Cambridge, MN 55008 United States
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