Children’s Ministry

When you come to worship at Common Ground you’ll probably notice some kids dancing with ribbons during the music, you may hear a baby crying or a toddler chattering, and often the end of the service will have kids ringing handbells. And that’s all great! These are all ways that our kids enter into worship at Common Ground and we want them to be their authentic selves. During the sermon any kids who want to head down to kids church and they  return shortly after the sermon is finished. Whenever kids come to worship we want them to know that they are seen and they are loved wholly and completely as they are!




About Children and Worship:

Your family is always welcome in worship! There are many options to help your family have a good experience:

  • Online Families | Contact Erika for children’s bulletins and coloring sheets.
  • Worship Bags | Available by each entrance, you can pick up a bag and colored pencils.  Bags contain items such as coloring pages that align with the scripture and theme of each Sunday worship service, popsicle stick puzzles, fuzzy sticks and other items rotate through the bags.
  • Children’s Message | Children of all ages are welcome to listen and participate in a message just for them.  (I’ll let you define children). Parents are encouraged to use this moment as a launchpad to speak openly with their children about developing and living out their faith.
  • Holy Communion |  Children of all ages are welcome for Holy Communion


Special Events

Family Events are held once a month, typically following worship on Sunday morning.  These are things like building bird houses, Wacky Olympics, Sledding and other fun activities.  All are welcome at these events.

We offer a variety of Special Events throughout the year including Summer Movie Nights, Trunk or Treat, Day in the Park.