Maybe you’ve struggled with church not feeling authentic. You know what? We’ve been there too. Maybe you feel like you don’t fit what a church person is ‘supposed’ to be. We’ve been there too. Because we’ve been there, when we say Everyone Counts, we mean everyone. That means you too. You count. You matter. You belong. Welcome to Common Ground.
Authentic Questions
Compassionate Justice
Profound Inclusivity
What We Believe
Our lives have been changed by our experience of God in community. We follow the life and teachings of Jesus and have seen how his example and presence leads to abundant life. Our reading of the Bible and our Christian heritage leads us to our conviction that Everyone Counts. This means that we are an inclusive community who values and celebrates the diversity in our midst and in the world.
We also know that we don’t have all of the answers. To be open to fresh promptings from the Spirit of God is to uphold the centrality of asking authentic questions. And yet, our faith cannot remain an inward conviction or an intellectual exercise.
To be faithful to the way of Christ is to care about those who are left out and left behind. While we cannot solve all systemic issues of injustice, we can and must respond with compassionate justice whenever and wherever we are able.
Ready for more?
Who is Common Ground?
We are ex-fundamentalists and lifelong Methodists. We are people filled with conviction and people experiencing doubt. We are young. We are old. We are gay and straight, transgender and cis. We are financially stable and we are living paycheck to paycheck. We are all of this and more. We are people made in the image of God, striving to be in authentic community and journey together. We come together to be filled, to be challenged, to be comforted. We go out to bridge divisions, spread love, enact justice. We are Common Ground.