Worship Music Ministry:
The staff and volunteers of the Common Ground music ministry provide worship music for regular Sunday worship as well as for occasional special services throughout the year. Our approach to music at Common Ground is to provide a rich variety of traditional and not-so-traditional music from a rotating roster of talented musicians. We present worship music in the form of traditional hymns, popular music, folk music, and other styles. At Common Ground you may hear rock, roots, blues, folk, classical, or jazz; sometimes in the same worship service! If you love the standards but are open to other approaches, you are sure to enjoy the music at Common Ground.
Music Ministry Personnel:

Frank Wells
Director of Music
(choir director/guitar/vocals)

Grace Larson
Staff Pianist / Accompanist

LaDonna Larson
Pianist / Accompanist

Dorcie Larson
Organist / Accompanist

Susan Blom
Worship Music Leader

Rob Lininger
Worship Music Leader

Julie Wells
Worship Music Leader

Carissa White
Worship Music Leader
(vocals/multiple instruments)

Jacob White
Worship Music Leader
(vocals/multiple instruments)

Madeline Fendrick
Worship Music Leader
(vocals/multiple instruments)

Brian Peck
Worship Music Leader

Denise Tillges
Worship Music Leader
The Common Ground Choir

The choir has a long history of presenting choral anthems and leading worship singing since the beginning of our church in the 1950s. The choir sings in worship most Sundays from early September to late May and rehearses weekly during that time. Our mission is to enhance the worship experience for the congregation and to provide a service opportunity for the singers. We are like a big extended family, and would love to extend even more by inviting you to join us!
The Common Ground Choir is open to anyone who is interested in participating. There is no audition process; all you need is a heart for singing. After all, “Everyone Counts!” Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 pm with a brief warm-up at 9:00 am Sunday mornings to prepare for 9:30 worship. If you are curious about singing with the choir or have an interest in joining us, contact Frank Wells via email at: frank@commonground-umc.org
Common Ground Concerts

Common Ground Concerts is a concert series that seeks to provide quality live music entertainment in a family-friendly setting, and to build connections with the Cambridge-area community beyond our church. We like to say, “It’s not a church music thing; it’s a music thing.”

The Common Ground Concerts series of live music concerts began in the summer of 2019. The series usually presents six or more concerts per year. Shortly after launching the series we were confronted with the challenge of hosting live music events safely during the Covid-19 pandemic. The decision was made to host outdoor concerts at North Folk Winery during the warmer months so that people could maintain social distancing and still be together to enjoy music and fellowship safely. Indoor concerts at the church were resumed in December of 2021, and the summer outdoor concerts at the winery will continue going forward.
Any proceeds raised by the series are donated to local non-profit or school organizations.